Friday, 2 February 2024

Mannochmore 2006 SMWS 64.149 17, WB: 243252

Bosch, Amber


Second SMWS bottle. Alliances shift. One has to be... flexible in this world.
Nose: Schwerer ekklesiastischer Duft von altem Firnis, Trockenfäule, Gebetskissen, Gesangsbüchern, Paraffinlampen, Blumen und Kerzen, die alle in der Wärme der Dauerbrennöfen friedlich vor sich hinbackten. Okey, das ist aus Dorothy L. Sayers, aber passt super hier. Backäpfelchen mit einer Muscovado-Haube. Eine Tüte voller Schokoraspeln. Ich gebe zu: Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte voll in die Fresse. It's all about the book. It begins and ends with the book. When can I get a copy?
Mouth: Schokoladentorte mit viel Sahne. Eingelegte Kirschen, rummig, kirschwässrig, effrischend, ein Hauch Menthol, viel Fudge, Datteln und einkochende Zwetschgen, marmeladisierend.
Finish: Kleiner Espresso. Vollmilchschokolade, Cognac XO ölt herunter, mit einem Mund voller
Bergkräuter. Everybody counts or nobody counts. - Bosch



Second SMWS bottle. Alliances shift. One has to be... flexible in this world.
Nose: Heavy ecclesiastic scent of old, varnish, dry rot, prayer cushions, hymn books, paraffin lamps, flowers and candles, all baking away peacefully in the warmth of the slow-burning ovens. Baked apples with a muscovado topping. A bag full of chocolate shavings. I admit: Black Forest gateau smashing in the face. It's all about the book. It begins and ends with the book. When can I get a copy?
Mouth: Chocolate cake with lots of cream. Pickeled cherries, rummy, cherry watery, refreshing, a hint of menthol, lots of fudge, dates and stewed plums, marmelading.
Finish: Small espresso. Milk chocolate, Cognac XO oiling down, with a mouthful of mountain herbs.
Everybody counts or nobody counts. – Bosch


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