Percy Jackson, yeehaw quite ambery
Die Farbe verheißt einem Farbkäufer wie mir leckere Aromen und spannende Geschmackserlebnisse. “Suspecting and knowing are not the same.” However ist die Gefahr enttäuscht zu werden ebenso real.
Nose: Klebstoff like Patex, Crème Brûlée, ebenso Canelé, Pfannekuchen mit viel Ei und Ahornsirup. Vanillesauce auf heißen Kirschen. Fass mit noch viel Bourbon drin – Buffalo Trace I guess. “I’d stay here, happy forever…”
Mouth: Ui sharp, Ingwer, Eiche royal of course, Zimtschärfe. Salbei und andere Kräuter tragen einen göttlichen Fight aus. Andere Whiskygenießer finden andere Aromen. “Where’s the glory in repeating what others have done?”
Finish: Schärfe bleibt, Piment, Muskat, Zimt again. Mystischer Waldboden. Nach einer Weile bleibt im Mund ein Püree aus Rucola und Radicchio.
“Life is only precious because it ends, kid.” (The Son of Neptune)
I shop by colour, so this ambery clay promises delicious aromas and exciting taste experiences. "Suspecting and knowing are not the same." However, the
risk of being disappointed is just as real.
Nose: Glue like Patex, crème brûlée, canelé, pancakes with lots of egg and maple syrup. Vanilla sauce on hot cherries. Barrel with lots more bourbon in it - Buffalo Trace I guess. "I'd stay here, happy forever..."
Mouth: Ui sharp, ginger, oak royal of course, cinnamon spiciness. Sage and other herbs fight a divine battle. Other whisky connoisseurs find other flavours. "Where's the glory in repeating what others have done?"
Finish: Spiciness remains, allspice, nutmeg, cinnamon again. Mystical forest floor. After a while, a puree of rocket and radicchio remains in the mouth.
"Life is only precious because it ends, kid." (The Son of Neptune)
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