Jim Beam Lineage
Glasses: Unity
Sensis Plus, Blenders Glass. Mood: voller Erwartungen. Serie: Strange new
worlds. Oh my! Hammer Holzbox, edel, aber nicht übertrieben. Demütig
schlicht, doch gediegen. Die Flasche mit Schraubverschluss in einer
Holzfassung, irgendwie japanisch -
banzai. Jim Beam – kenn ich von Whisky-Cola, Supermarkt, welche
Grausamkeit erwartet mich, was tue ich mir an – Smile! So the only way to discover the terrible
future is to live it. – Pike. Nose nach 1h, shall we? Engage, make it so, take her out, Execute, Get It Done, Just Do IT, Hit It - Punch It!
Candy shop, Zuckerwatte, schon am Verklumpen. Crème Brule. Werthers Echte Sahnebonbons.
Lots of Vanilla und ein Hint of Patex auf der Strasse. Warmer Milchreis
mit Muskovadozucker und Zimt. Lebkuchenaromen im Äther, in den unendlichen Weiten.
Exploration can exact a heavy toll. Nicht hier. Teig und frisch gebackenes
Brot, wieder brauner Zucker am Karamellisieren. Backäpfel mit Vanilleschmand.
Frisch eingeschenkte Fritzcola. Gebrühter schwarzer Tee. Nach 3 h: Kellermuff.
Alte Bücher, Umami. Pilzhackpfanne mit Sahne und Trüffel. Mit Wasser 1 TL
ändert sich die Nase zu Pistazieneis, andere Nusseissorten sehr cremig
geschlagen, frische Waffeln. Reconciling my divergent cultures of origin is
complex. The journey is challenging. Mouth: Ölig, waxig, Mund
belegend, alles verklebend, aber ohne Patex. Der Mund befindet sich in einer
Dauerschmatzschleife. Demerara Rohrohrzucker, Zimt, Piment, Muskatnuss – MUS-KAT-NUSS!
Erdnussbutter, Lebkuchen, Magenbrot mit Espresso. Panna Cotta. Sahnebonbons,
Datteln und Feigen. Marzipankartoffeln in viel Kakao gewendet. Wasser ist
unnötig: Der Whiskey wird oaky, Gerbstoffe treten vermehrt hervor, Muskatabrieb
(again!), Tequila. Finish: Eeeeewig lang, schöner Kentucky Hugh. Die
Wärme bewegt sich in Zeitlupe die Speiseröhre hinunter, während Hektik und
Alltag zum Erliegen kommen – mal wieder Streik. Zimtschärfe und etwas weißer
Pfeffer ohrfeigen nach der netten Umarmung. Wasser hebt die Zeitlupe auf. Der
Hugh verschwindet. Der Whiskey
wird adstringent. Even in space, growth — sometimes, remarkable growth — is
possible.” -Pike
92 / 100
Unity Sensis Plus, Blenders Glass. Mood: full of expectations. Series: Strange
new worlds. Oh my! What
a wooden box, classy but not overdone. Modest, simple, yet noble. The bottle
with screw cap in a wooden frame, somehow Japanese - banzai. Jim Beam - I know
it from Whisky-Cola, supermarket, what cruelty awaits me, what am I doing to
myself - Smile! So the only way to discover the terrible future is to live it.
- Pike. Nose after 1h, shall we? Engage, make it so, take her out,
Execute, Get It Done, Just Do IT, Hit It - Punch It! Candy shop, candyfloss,
already clumping. Crème Brule. Werther's Real Cream Candy. Lots of vanilla and
a hint of Patex on the street. Warm rice pudding with muscovado sugar and
cinnamon. Gingerbread aromas in the ether, in the infinite expanses.
Exploration can exact a heavy toll. Not here. Dough and freshly baked bread,
brown sugar caramelising again. Baked apples with vanilla sour cream. Freshly
poured Fritzcola. Brewed black tea. After 3 hours: cellar mustiness. Old books,
umami. Mushroom mince pan with cream and truffle. With water 1 tsp changes the
nose to pistachio ice cream, other nut ice creams whipped very creamy, fresh
waffles. Reconciling my divergent cultures of origin is complex. The journey is
challenging. Mouth: Oily, waxy, coating the mouth, sticking everything
together, but without Patex. The mouth is in a permanent smacking loop.
Demerara raw cane sugar, cinnamon, allspice, nutmeg - MUS-KAT-NUT! Peanut
butter, gingerbread, gastric bread with espresso. Panna Cotta. Cream sweets,
dates and figs. Marzipan potatoes dipped in lots of cocoa. Water is
unnecessary: the whiskey becomes oaky, tannins are more prominent, nutmeg
grated (again!), tequila. Finish: Eeeeeternal long, nice Kentucky Hugh. The
warmth moves in slow motion down the oesophagus, while hustle and bustle and
everyday life come to a halt - strike again. Cinnamon spiciness and some white
pepper slap after the nice embrace. Water lifts the slow motion. The Hugh
disappears. The whiskey becomes astringent. Even in space, growth - sometimes,
remarkable growth - is possible." -Pike
92 / 100